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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
(10-14-2019, 10:21 AM)adrii Wrote: Hi

There were OS changes in Moode 6 that required an extra library to be specified when building mpd_oled. This library is not usually installed on earlier versions of Moode, and so there is an error when building on earlier versions with the Moode 6 instructions. I included some instructions for Moode 5, to build with a plain 

(rather than 'PLAYER=MOODE make'). This should also work with Moode 4, and if building with a plain 'make' works for you I will update the instructions to say to do this if building on Moode 5 or 4.

When use "make" it's made a mpd_oled file in folder mpd_oled.
And then, i used this code

sudo ./mpd_oled -o 6 -b 10 -g 1 -f 20
the oled screen turn up, but the spectrum bars doesn't work . 
How can i fix it. I followed this instruction, but no thing change (the spectrum bars still doesn't work )
Thanks for your help.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi - by rndce - 10-14-2019, 01:38 PM
RE: help me - by ghera78 - 02-28-2020, 08:01 AM
RE: help me - by ghera78 - 02-28-2020, 01:17 PM

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