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Idea: USB CD-Rom + Moode = UPnP streamer
(10-20-2019, 01:05 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: moOde as a CD player :-0

Ripping a CD to FLAC with perfect metadata and cover art is so easy that there really is no reason to bother with direct CD playback.

I'll leave it up to user to do this.

Have to add my 2 Cents to this.... Smile 

Our local Goodwill is overstocked with cd's.... and has reduced their price to (US equivalent ) $0.25 cents.... (Note to Kent...80% are your "genres not as well populated"   Wink )

I did the serendipity-raid and came home with 22 I have never heard ....

Now, I don't want to rip 22 cd's just to be able to play them and decide if I keep or recycle each one....

A MoOde attached CD player would be just dandy as hifix said...

Quote:An 80s CD player would be just fine!  There are days where i am "just not feeling it" when it comes to ripping CDs and looking for album art.  Even with ease of automation, i would like the flexibility of occasionally selecting a CD and having it play though the moode renderer.  Should this go well, i could look through the booklets that came with the CDs while enjoying the music (like i did in the 80s). 

Luckily, I do have a quality cd player for auditioning... and a Daphile install for ripping (all I use it for) as it is a great ripper ! (does fantastic look-ups, uses Gracenote and AccurateRip verification and ,I think, is abcde under the hood , plus 'drive offset' setting)

But, having auditioned, chosen, ripped and transferred to MoOde only then can I listen via MoOde.

Oh, to have a complete MoOde chain for all of this....

How's that for a use case ?

Messages In This Thread
USB CD-Rom + Moode = UPnP streamer - by hifix - 10-19-2019, 09:41 PM
RE: USB CD-Rom + Moode = UPnP streamer - by hifix - 10-19-2019, 10:26 PM
RE: USB CD-Rom + Moode = UPnP streamer - by hifix - 10-20-2019, 12:52 AM
RE: USB CD-Rom + Moode = UPnP streamer - by DRONE7 - 10-20-2019, 03:04 AM
RE: USB CD-Rom + Moode = UPnP streamer - by hifix - 10-20-2019, 10:14 AM
RE: USB CD-Rom + Moode = UPnP streamer - by hifix - 10-20-2019, 03:22 PM
RE: USB CD-Rom + Moode = UPnP streamer - by hifix - 10-22-2019, 10:05 AM

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