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(10-27-2019, 04:17 PM)liv_s Wrote: #1> Same error here:
20191027 181157 worker: Watchdog started
20191027 181157 worker: Ready
20191027 181157 watchdog: Session permissions (Reapplied)
20191027 181204 watchdog: Session permissions (Reapplied)
Running last 6.3.0 which was upgraded online from 6.2.1.
#2> Shutdown command does not work, Rpi remain power on with red led.
#3> Changed to 64bit same error.

#1> Same questions I asked a week ago. What precipitated this error report? What had you done prior, what caused you to look at the log, and did it go away when you rebooted?

#2> The shutdown command only stops Linux safely and puts the RPi into a low-power state. It does not turn off the power. Various people have posted power-on/power-off hacks to the Web. Google is your friend.

#3> As Tim said before, this PHP behavior should not depend on the kernel. 


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-> Session permissions (Reapplied) - by Cardone - 10-10-2019, 09:08 AM

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