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-> Session permissions (Reapplied)
(10-27-2019, 04:17 PM)liv_s Wrote: Same error here:
20191027 181157 worker: Watchdog started
20191027 181157 worker: Ready
20191027 181157 watchdog: Session permissions (Reapplied)
20191027 181204 watchdog: Session permissions (Reapplied)
Running last 6.3.0 which was upgraded online from 6.2.1.
Shutdown command does not work, Rpi remain power on with red led.
Changed to 64bit same error.

The symptoms suggest either the update did not complete successfully or there is some issue external to moOde. Either way there is breakage and not possible to troubleshoot.

Start with a fresh image.
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-> Session permissions (Reapplied) - by Cardone - 10-10-2019, 09:08 AM

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