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OLED Display 16x2... doesn't work
(05-17-2018, 01:46 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote:
(05-17-2018, 05:48 AM)mancio61 Wrote:
(05-16-2018, 02:03 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Try the gpio cmd


Hi Tim
So, running GPIO readall, this is the output. Consider that Moode 4.1 is running, and that the HifiBerry DAC PRO+ il pluggeg onto the RPi.

I suppose that the GPIO with ALT0 mode are the ones used by DAC. I don't understand the V columns. Are there any GPIOs not properly working? How can I test them using the gpio command parameters (I didn' found any kind of help on web...)

Hi, @mancio61

Basically, you have to go to the source code to find out the "V" stands for Value. 

The HiFiBerry site states which GPIO pins are taken up by their products (GPIO usage). In summary, stay away from Pins 3 and 5 (used for configuration) 12, 35, 38, and 40 (for the DAC+ sound interface), and 27 and 28 (always reserved...see the description).

I'm having trouble understanding why, if your OLED display works with one Python program but not another, you are looking for a hardware problem, which is what I believe @remy1961 tried to point out as well. Are you using exactly the same hardware with the two programs? 

Sorry, I don't (yet) have any displays, OLED or otherwise, to play along with.


Hi Kent,
my OLED display never worked! I made a couple of weeks ago some tests with an LCD 16x2 display (with I2C interface) and instead it works perfectly.

Half an hour ago, anyway, I made another test, unplugging the DAC board from the RPI3, and wiring the OLED directly onto the RPI3 20x2 connector. Same situation, the scripts ( and RaspDacDisplay both) run, but no sign of life on the display....
Really frustrating.... the last possibilities in my poor opinion are two: a non perfect soldering of the 16-pins connector on the display, or the display itself that could be damaged....



Other suggestions or different paths to explore?

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.... :-)


Messages In This Thread
OLED Display 16x2... doesn't work - by mancio61 - 05-13-2018, 07:46 PM
RE: OLED Display 16x2... doesn't work - by mancio61 - 05-17-2018, 05:10 PM

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