12-15-2019, 04:12 PM
(12-15-2019, 02:44 PM)normand Wrote: What is the command to update or re-gen the MPD Database from the command line?
I have an script to sync music/podcast files and need to update the database once new files are added/removed.
Try the mpc command; it's chock-full of goodness. Here's a snippet of its help output. Note 'mpc update' and 'mpc rescan'.
pi@moodeLR:~ $ mpc help
Usage: mpc [options] <command> [<arguments>]
mpc version: 0.31
-v, --verbose Give verbose output
-q, --quiet Suppress status message
-q, --no-status synonym for --quiet
-h, --host=<host> Connect to server on <host>
-P, --password=<password> Connect to server using password <password>
-p, --port=<port> Connect to server port <port>
-f, --format=<format> Print status with format <format>
-w, --wait Wait for operation to finish (e.g. database update)
-r, --range=[<start>]:[<end>] Operate on a range (e.g. when loading a playlist)
mpc Display status
mpc update [<path>] Scan music directory for updates
mpc rescan [<path>] Rescan music directory (including unchanged files)
See man 1 mpc for more information about mpc commands and options