12-15-2019, 07:47 PM
(12-15-2019, 05:55 PM)suzywong Wrote: On a slightly related topic, is it possible within the moode GUI to send a “broadcast” Update/Regen to multiple RPi on the LAN? Or do they have to be updated individually? (Similarly, for “update/regen covers”).
Interesting thought.
Certainly, technically it's feasible. A moOde player can detect other moOde players on the same LAN (see the code behind m>players) and mpc can take a -h <host> option.
Is this a high-priority use case though? It would need more front-end and back-end code to be written. As Tim remarked elsewhere, "[O]ur project needs additional developers to code and test all these nice ideas otherwise they will just gather dust because the TODO list is already way under funded."
Don't know what is meant by "update/regen covers”.