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Bluetooth not working with Chromebook

There's a boatload of low-level Bluetooth tools. Try "man -k bluetooth" to see what's already built into moodeOS. There's lots of blogs, tutorials, etc., out there on how to use them to solve trivial problems (try a few keywords in your favorite search engine). Solving hard problems, not so much.

In my case, I had a similar problem trying to get my first-generation Amazon Echo to stream to my moOde player. The Echo would drive my JBL Flip2 BT speaker, it would drive my wireless headset, but it wouldn't drive my moOde player despite apparently being connected. All my other BT sources work fine.

I spent a lot of time fruitlessly looking for the "smoking gun" (or should I say the "dog that didn't bark in the night") in various logs and dumps. I was never able to resolve the issue. I'm pretty good at debugging software and hardware but this is one that got away. 

Rumor has it that some late-generation Echo will work but I'm not willing to buy one just to find out. Now that the novelty has worn off I hardly use the one I already have.

Fortunately, you're working with a Chromebook and not just a "blackbox" device so you have a chance to see both ends of the Bluetooth traffic. 

Good luck.


PS - my speculation is that both the Echo and moOde are waiting to receive, so nothing happens.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Bluetooth not working with Chromebook - by TheOldPresbyope - 12-16-2019, 01:55 PM

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