12-30-2019, 08:57 AM
well...this baffles me...
I have a command that works to start the oled display and it's function from the command line at an ssh session logged in as user pi
surely there is some way to make that command start at boot..??
if it can be started by the user pi why can it not be started at boot....???
/etc/rc/local crontab... bash rc nothing works...
bangs head on desk again...
I have a command that works to start the oled display and it's function from the command line at an ssh session logged in as user pi
~/Adafruit_Python_SSD1306/raspberry-oled-monitor/launcher.sh &
surely there is some way to make that command start at boot..??
if it can be started by the user pi why can it not be started at boot....???
/etc/rc/local crontab... bash rc nothing works...
bangs head on desk again...