01-01-2020, 09:13 PM
Vinnn, thanks for the reply. just to clarify, my browser side hardware has included recent android tablets and a windows desktop, not just a phone. As for your experience with roughly 8000 albums being manageable, I'm not surprised: I have no performance problems at this size range. As I stated, I noticed significant issues around 220,000 tracks. If you get there, I pretty confidently predict you will see the delays and as you get enough above 220,000 performance will degrade severely.
In addition to the repository size, my experience trying different hardware on the server and client sides does show additional hardware ameliorates, but does not eliminate, the slowness. I found bubbleupnp has no performance problem and is more useful than mpdroid, but I'd love to have the moode interface and functionality. Over time, more users will evolve into a regime where performance is an issue. I haven't gotten quantitative, but bubble is responding to a touch in a time that feels like under 40 ms, and moode is sometimes taking seconds. Thats quite a difference.
In addition to the repository size, my experience trying different hardware on the server and client sides does show additional hardware ameliorates, but does not eliminate, the slowness. I found bubbleupnp has no performance problem and is more useful than mpdroid, but I'd love to have the moode interface and functionality. Over time, more users will evolve into a regime where performance is an issue. I haven't gotten quantitative, but bubble is responding to a touch in a time that feels like under 40 ms, and moode is sometimes taking seconds. Thats quite a difference.