01-01-2020, 09:59 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. Since bubble is using the same music repository, music server, client machine and network as moode, NAS and network issues seem very unlikely. I have used clients mostly wireless, but I have used wired clients as you suggest, such as my windows 10 box, with little appreciable improvement. I've been at pains to point out that bubble is using the same clients, same network, same NAS repository, same moode install on same pi, and yet is 1-2 orders of magnitude faster than moode on some operations. I think this shows looking more at the network or NAS is not likely to be productive. I may eventually create a local USB repository as you suggest, but don't expect that to rectify this performance. Note that the degradation appears strongly correlated to index size: the system performs great with a small repository.
I hope this isn't sounding too negative. moode is one of the finest software products I've used for any application. I have tried a very large number of music systems over nearly 20 years, and moode is arguably the best. I think I've identified a scaling issue, not a network or fileserver problem.....
I hope this isn't sounding too negative. moode is one of the finest software products I've used for any application. I have tried a very large number of music systems over nearly 20 years, and moode is arguably the best. I think I've identified a scaling issue, not a network or fileserver problem.....