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Problem: Audio injector sound card. Anyone could get it running ?


Quote:Manual setup method
  • <<don't do the update shown in this first step>>
  • Make sure the default audio device tree is not loaded for PWM output (/boot/config.txt), this is because it uses the same I2S bus. (Comment out dtparam=audio=on)
  • Make sure the Audio Injector device tree is loaded at boot time : dtoverlay=audioinjector-wm8731-audio
  • Reboot to force the correct device tree to load

where I deleted their first step.

Try it and see. The worst that can happen is it doesn't work. Save the existing /boot/config.txt file so you can restore it if need be. (IIRC, moOde will recreate it when you do a new configuration but why tempt fate?)


Messages In This Thread
RE: Audio injector sound card. Anyone could get it running ? - by TheOldPresbyope - 01-12-2020, 03:21 PM

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