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Queue size affects now playing screen performance
That feature is called Add to Home Screen (A2HS)

See, for example, the Mozilla Developer page.

A few quotes from it:

Quote:Add to Home screen (or A2HS for short) is a feature available in modern smartphone browsers that allows developers to easily and conveniently add a shortcut to their Home screen representing their favorite web app (or site) so they can subsequently access it with a single tap. 


Quote:A2HS is supported by Mobile Chrome/Android Webview since version 31, Opera for Android since version 32, and Firefox for Android since version 58.


Quote:How do you make an app A2HS-ready?

To enable your app to be added to a Home screen, it needs the following:

   * To be served over HTTPs — the web is increasingly being moved in a more secure direction, and many modern web technologies (A2HS included) will work only on secure contexts.
   * To have a manifest file with the correct fields filled in, linked from the HTML head.
   * To have an appropriate icon available for displaying on the Home screen.
   * Chrome additionally requires the app to have a service worker registered (e.g., so it can function when offline).

The first item is a killjoy for us.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Queue size affects now playing screen performance - by TheOldPresbyope - 01-29-2020, 03:05 AM

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