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Bluetooth connection random crash
(01-31-2020, 03:35 AM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: I've restarted the system with bluetooth.service running bluetoothd in debug mode and also with a reasonable number of long tracks in the playback list. So far it's still cookin' after 5 hours.

This morning I mentioned I'd spun up an RPi4B to see if I could repro on a different chipset but I forgot I have only one functional BT speaker at home (the other is in my grandson's bedroom ATM). I'll get back to it once I gather more data on this RPi3A+.


I know it may sound dumb, but you should try wiuth a complet album. At least for me, the problem seems to happen (almost ?) only when coming to the last second of the last track on an album. Will have to try more to be sure, but i've noticed that last time.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Bluetooth connection random crash - by Maitresinh - 02-02-2020, 08:25 AM

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