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Instruction Guide Modding moOde: restrict access to config pages
(05-31-2019, 07:56 AM)TookaFace Wrote: Hi,
You need to run this command first:

sudo sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "DROP TRIGGER ro_columns"
sudo sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "UPDATE cfg_hash SET ACTION = 'warning' WHERE PARAM = '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf'"

Hi @TookaFace, have you updated to 6.4.1?

Tim wrote this in the patch notes:
- UPD: Improve system integrity checking

The previous workaround is no longer working. In fact the workaround kill the player.
Tim have updated the integrity checks; and typing the 2 lines above will leave the rpi non functional… 

I can SSH into the player and logs shows this :
worker: -- Start
worker: Successfully daemonized
worker: Integrity check (failed:1)
worker: Exited
moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(playlist)

and nothing works :/

Good thing I made a backup of the sd card first Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Modding moOde: restrict access to config pages - by ksone - 02-03-2020, 03:43 PM

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