(02-09-2020, 10:56 AM)Maitresinh Wrote: The fight is going on, with a new episode: it's definitively not the fault of the NAS.
This is what i've tried :
1/ With bluetooth out, when i reach the end of the current playlist (queue) IUis going down. It does that either with NAS or USB mount, so it's not a matter of NAS
2/ Without bluetooth out, no problem a the end of the queue. So it's definitively a problem involving Queue with bluetooth.
And i suspect that it have to do is with the DAC (not runing 100 % as an IQaudio).
However, there would be a simple way to avoid the problem : allways having a file automatically added to the queue before it ends. I've tried to activate the option in the setting, but it didn't changed the queue at all.
The file storage method is irrelevant, if mpd can play a file normally then there's nothing wrong.
The DAC is also irrelevant if the output is Bluetooth as the DAC is not the output device in that scenario.
As suggested earlier, if you're using the onboard Bluetooth adapter and there's nothing interfering with the radio signal the only likely explanation is your Bluetooth speaker.