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Solved: Attached USB acces right on network
(02-12-2020, 08:12 PM)a491765 Wrote: Well to be more specific, i'm under Debian Buster.
I can access to the root directory with filezilla using pi user access.
But when i try to upload files in /media/myusb i have a permission denied.

Do you suggest to enable something about SSH more than the basic access in moode ?


Is it mounted read only?
If you setup the mount in Moode's music sources then there's a field for mount options when you edit the source. If it has the "ro" option then change "ro" to "rw", save and remount to make read-write.

If it's slready mounted read-write then you may have to fix the ownership and/or permissions on your files.

Messages In This Thread
Attached USB acces right on network - by a491765 - 02-12-2020, 02:56 PM
RE: Attached USB acces right on network - by vinnn - 02-12-2020, 10:49 PM

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