(02-12-2020, 10:49 PM)vinnn Wrote: Is it mounted read only?
If you setup the mount in Moode's music sources then there's a field for mount options when you edit the source. If it has the "ro" option then change "ro" to "rw", save and remount to make read-write.
If it's slready mounted read-write then you may have to fix the ownership and/or permissions on your files.
I have no music source added in moode option, the usb is directly attached to the pi running moode. So the usb is automatic source detected and mounted.
I see that the owner for /medi/myusb is root i tried : sudo chown -R pi:pi /media/myusb but permission denied too.
The simple way will be to have the root access from filezilla. What is the root password ?