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Airplay disconnecting and disappearing?
1) Configure, System, SET Debug logging ON
2) Menu, Audio, SET Airplay OFF, then SET back ON, then SET back OFF
3) Menu, System, SET Debug logging OFF
4) cat /var/log/moode.log

Look for the shairport-sync launch string. It will be something like the example below:

20180610 095525 worker: (/usr/local/bin/shairport-sync -a "RP3 Airplay" -S soxr -w -B /var/local/www/commandw/ -E /var/local/www/commandw/ -- -d hw:0 -c "Master" > /dev/null 2>&1 &)

5) Run the launch string with debug logging (-vv) and without the > redirection. Like example below.

sudo /usr/local/bin/shairport-sync -vv -a "RP3 Airplay" -S soxr -w -B /var/local/www/commandw/ -E /var/local/www/commandw/ -- -d hw:0 -c "Master"

It will print debug infomation to the console that you can post back to this thread. I'll have a look.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Airplay disconnecting and disappearing? - by Tim Curtis - 06-10-2018, 02:29 PM

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