(01-21-2019, 02:39 PM)nikola Wrote: Hi!
I just wanted to report that finally everything works perfectly!
At the and I have pulled last possible option.
I went to buy new micro SD card...installed Moode player on it and now it works!
I am having the same issue and wanted to ask whether reinstalling was the solution?
Otherwise, attached are some screenshots that show my configuration where activating Kali produces no output. Some notes from my experience:
- HW Setup: Raspberry Pi 4 2GB, Kali, Piano 2.1 with Allo Power Supply. However, the power supply came with the wrong adapter and while waiting for the new one, I have put jumper wires to the Optional power supply pins of Kali
- I have a stereo setup (two identical speakers with no sub)
- Tried streaming via NFS, Spotify Connect and UPNP from my PC
- The audio seems to be playing but no audio is outputted. Piano has the two mute LEDs and they are green (they should be if there is audio)
- Changing the sample rate had no effect. I have tried 16, 24, 32 bit / * kHz as well as selecting specific kHz
- Enabling/Disabling multithreading has no effect
- Volume Control: HW, SW or Disable have the same results
- Changing the output mode to options other than Stereo had no effect
- Changing driver version option to disable Kali "fixes" it. (glb_mclk)
- I have also read the other thread (http://moodeaudio.org/forum/showthread.p...light=kali)
- MoOde 6.4.2. Installed via img.
- Linux Kernel 4.19.97-v7l #1293
Moode About:
Audio Config:
Chip Device Options:
MPD Config:
Output of piano.sh: