Hey there guys!
As already mentioned with the new kernel the operation of lirc has changed (gpio-ir). If a remote has already been configered, this seems not to be any problem. There only has to be done the change with gpio-ir.
My problem is, I've installed moode newly and haven't connected any remote yet via lirc. Moreover my remote isn't listed in the configurations list provided by lirc where setups could be derrived. I therefore have to use irrecord.
The command:
is my problem. At first, key presses are detected (dots are coming up at the terminal) until it says specify a key name and press it.
Here's the problem. There is always coming up a signal length of 0 which does not take me any further. Someone on the internet mentioned that a protocol has changed here, leading to a non working irrecord..
Is there any way to successfully record new remotes?
As already mentioned with the new kernel the operation of lirc has changed (gpio-ir). If a remote has already been configered, this seems not to be any problem. There only has to be done the change with gpio-ir.
My problem is, I've installed moode newly and haven't connected any remote yet via lirc. Moreover my remote isn't listed in the configurations list provided by lirc where setups could be derrived. I therefore have to use irrecord.
The command:
sudo irrecord -n -d /dev/lirc0 ~/lircd.conf
Here's the problem. There is always coming up a signal length of 0 which does not take me any further. Someone on the internet mentioned that a protocol has changed here, leading to a non working irrecord..
Is there any way to successfully record new remotes?