04-06-2020, 03:44 PM
Generally, I avoid any discussion that smacks of audio nervosa but two items jump out at me here.
@myakimov wrote
It's not just purism in play here, it's the mathematical fact that upsampling cannot create information which isn't already there (ref. mssrs Nyquist, Turing, et al.). All upsampling can do is fill the intervals between the incoming samples with artificial samples calculated from the original samples.
While @hifinet responded
This is the crux of the matter IMHO.
However they were created, digital signals must be processed into analog signals to be heard. The result can be subtly (sometimes no so subtly) different depending on the specific processing algorithms. For some DAC designs, upsampling apparently can change the equation, so to speak; for others, it doesn't in any practical sense. There's rivers of commentary (more like verbal fist fights in some cases) about the subject in other forums and blogs.
Mind you, we're assuming here that the upsampling is done correctly. A badly done algorithm can introduce artifacts of its own.
In the end, you have to like what you hear.
@myakimov wrote
Quote:As purists would say - upsampling should never sound better..
It's not just purism in play here, it's the mathematical fact that upsampling cannot create information which isn't already there (ref. mssrs Nyquist, Turing, et al.). All upsampling can do is fill the intervals between the incoming samples with artificial samples calculated from the original samples.
While @hifinet responded
Quote:so I am guessing that bypassing the internal filters is the crucial element.
This is the crux of the matter IMHO.
However they were created, digital signals must be processed into analog signals to be heard. The result can be subtly (sometimes no so subtly) different depending on the specific processing algorithms. For some DAC designs, upsampling apparently can change the equation, so to speak; for others, it doesn't in any practical sense. There's rivers of commentary (more like verbal fist fights in some cases) about the subject in other forums and blogs.
Mind you, we're assuming here that the upsampling is done correctly. A badly done algorithm can introduce artifacts of its own.
In the end, you have to like what you hear.