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Official moOde 6.5.0 support thread
(04-25-2020, 12:28 PM)TookaFace Wrote:
(04-25-2020, 12:10 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote:
(04-25-2020, 10:30 AM)TookaFace Wrote: Awesome work guys !

When you click on the next button, the title played becomes bold in the playlist (normal), but the display of the playlist does not follow if the title played is not displayed in the playlist anymore, not sure if its clear. Seems to works as intented with the previous button.

Im not sure if it was like that in previous version, i also have a pi with moOde 5.3.1 running and i dont have the problem with that one.

What are steps to repro?

Clean your playlist
Set random on (its more obvious this way)
Add a bunch of titles in your current playlist (100 or more)
Click on play (no problem at this point, display of the playlist (scrollbar) while move if necessary, if the song played is at the end of the playlist for exemple)
Then click on next button and the scrollbar do not follow anymore, even if the next title played is not currently displayed on the playlist

You can fix the problem by clicking on the time knob, the playlist display move until it show the current played title

PS: Even without clicking on next button, when a song is finish and the new song start, display (scrollbar) will not move

I can repro. 

Was issue present in 642 ?
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RE: Official moOde 6.5.0 support thread - by Tim Curtis - 04-25-2020, 01:09 PM

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