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Official moOde 6.5.0 support thread
(04-26-2020, 03:48 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: You haven't posted the requested error messages from MPD log so how do we know what's really happening?

At this point in the discussion, I don't really care whether you know what's really happening or not. I haven't posted those requested error messages because I'm not proficient with Linux -- I never use it, and have no experience with it -- so your instructions in that regard were pretty unhelpful to me. So all I've done in this thread is report what my experience with the latest Moode 6.5.0 has been, which I had thought was the purpose of this thread. And that experience is that MPD crashes in post-6.2.0 Moode versions rather than correctly databasing a large multi-terabyte collection of music files, the way previous Moode versions such as 6.2.0 were capable of doing -- which of course is why I'll continue to use Moode 6.2.0 rather than trying to migrate to a later version such as the new Moode 6.5.0. If that information I've provided is helpful in your further development of Moode, then great; if it isn't -- well, sorry, that's all I've got.

IMO, Moode is a great program -- really the best of several that I've tried on a Digione Signature Player -- and I'll continue to use the 6.2.0 version of it, as it works very well for me. And I'll download and install and test out subsequent Moode versions, to see if the problem I've had with previous post-6.2.0 versions has been resolved. If it has been resolved, then great, I'll likely migrate to that new, improved version; if not, I'll continue with Moode 6.2.0, which works for me. But frankly, this discussion has taken on an unfortunate combative tone, which I find unpleasant. So I think I'll just sign off for now -- best of luck & more power to you.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Official moOde 6.5.0 support thread - by Dradder - 04-26-2020, 04:23 AM

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