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Thread Closed 
Official moOde 6.5.0 support thread
(04-26-2020, 01:50 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Below are instructions for installing r650-fix-3 which contains the fixes listed in the release notes. Simply paste the block of commands at the SSH prompt and then perform a Browser refresh or two.

wget -q
unzip -q -d www
sudo cp -r ./www/* /var/www
sudo rm -rf ./www
sudo rm ./

// 2020-MM-DD TC moOde 6.5.1


- UPD: Remove Radio and Playlist search result tallies

Bug fixes

- FIX: Playlist not auto-scrolling in certain cases
- FIX: Playlist item line 2 left margin not correct
- FIX: Track info formatting from Folder view
- FIX: Position issue with search reset buttons
- FIX: Incorrect volume level when unmuting

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Official moOde 6.5.0 support thread - by Tim Curtis - 04-26-2020, 08:00 PM

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