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Idea: Use rpi LEDs as status LEDs for moOde itself
That's exactly my point Tim, if something goes wrong with the network - server crash or connection loss - you can almost immediately see, 1 minute after at most, that there's a problem by just looking at how the LEDs operate. The possibility to remount the sources upon network return or crash recovery is just a plus as you won't need to connect to the interface and remount them manually.

Also, when the moOde player starts, a fixed green LED shows that everything is OK and that the player is ready to play, can still be useful imho.

As an example, I use two of my moOde players, one in my office and one in my bedroom, wirelessly connected to an AP in my living room. If the signal gets too weak because they are a bit too far from the AP, green LED turns off and red LED starts blinking. If I move them closer to the AP and the signal gets strong enough, allowing them to hook the network up again, sources are automatically remounted, red LED turns off and green one turns on again.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Use rpi LEDs as status LEDs for moOde itself - by romain - 04-29-2020, 09:15 PM

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