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Idea: Use rpi LEDs as status LEDs for moOde itself
(04-29-2020, 11:17 PM)romain Wrote:
(04-29-2020, 11:10 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: What the issue with NFS? I don't have any experience with it.

It will be better explained here Hard Mount Vs Soft Mount than I will do myself I guess

For a home server or a NAS, soft mount should be sufficient. Hard mounts are for client-server environments where data integrity is a major concern.

If moOde is mounting NFS resources with option 'ro' then the data integrity issue is moot. May as well choose soft mount to avoid the possible zombie state where the system hangs forever waiting for the server. 

Brrr. I get the shivers remembering the bad old days when my lab and others had multiple cross-mounted filesystems on our engineering workstations and we'd end up in deadly embraces trying to bring them back up after a crash. What made it worse was our research facility were a heterogeneous OS shop---countless SunOS/Solaris stations, a few dozen SGI IRIX stations, a handful of IBM  AIX stations, even one or two DEC Ultrix stations. The network administrators didn't last long.


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RE: Use rpi LEDs as status LEDs for moOde itself - by TheOldPresbyope - 04-30-2020, 01:04 AM

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