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Idea: Use rpi LEDs as status LEDs for moOde itself
(04-30-2020, 10:26 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Maybe not but I haven't worked out how the two different use cases for the LED's are going to work. The script and systemd units as-is default to using the LED's as status for the mounts. The mount check and auto-remount are generally applicable but the use of the LED's is up to the user.
Tim, in one of the previous posts I had proposed the following stuff, is it too complicated to enforce or even unfeasible in your opinion ?

a 'LED Operation' dropdown list with two options: 
- On/Off (default)
- Mount Status

with the LED0/LED1 toggle switches available just below if user chooses the On/Off option (default)

If the user chooses the Mount Status option then the LED0/LED1 toggle switches below the dropdown list could become hidden or greyed out, the LEDs would be disabled by worker.php and the systemd service and timer units would be started from worker.php. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Use rpi LEDs as status LEDs for moOde itself - by romain - 04-30-2020, 11:12 PM

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