05-21-2020, 01:57 PM
Nice work :-)
The .10 release while it addresses the OP issue is 13 releases behind the current MPD .23 release and if it turns out to be bug in blues-alsa instead of MPD then all we are doing is prolonging the breakage. IMO including .10 would be a bad idea.
Maybe that batting average can get a + if you submit the issue with a bisect :-) This time it's a separate issue from the original one where MPD wouldn't even connect to BT speaker. This one is specific to what happens when playlist ends.
- no idle timeout happens
- protocol commands are not processed
- mpd must be killall -s 9 then restarted to remedy the situation
I also recall trying MPD 0.22-git and it wouldn't even connect to BT speaker. If it turns out to be an MPD issue after all and gets fixed for 0.21.y then the fix should propagate to the 0.22 code base.
The .10 release while it addresses the OP issue is 13 releases behind the current MPD .23 release and if it turns out to be bug in blues-alsa instead of MPD then all we are doing is prolonging the breakage. IMO including .10 would be a bad idea.
Maybe that batting average can get a + if you submit the issue with a bisect :-) This time it's a separate issue from the original one where MPD wouldn't even connect to BT speaker. This one is specific to what happens when playlist ends.
- no idle timeout happens
- protocol commands are not processed
- mpd must be killall -s 9 then restarted to remedy the situation
I also recall trying MPD 0.22-git and it wouldn't even connect to BT speaker. If it turns out to be an MPD issue after all and gets fixed for 0.21.y then the fix should propagate to the 0.22 code base.