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Alternative renderers and metadata
(05-31-2020, 03:04 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote:
  • Squeezelite - undecided. I've looked through the configuration settings for my LMS server and for the squeezelite renderer and haven't found a magic bullet. At the same time, I see LMS slips an Icy-Metadata tag into its stream to the player once in a while. Might this be the tip of an iceburg or is it just a bit of flotsam?


Hi Kent,
it can help, in the Python script that I use currently to update my display, there's a part, that I never used (SQUEEZELITE = False...) , dedicated to Squeezelite, able to retrieve music info from LMS Server (try to attach it but with no success)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Alternative renderers and metadata - by mancio61 - 06-03-2020, 02:52 PM

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