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Indication of connection status of remote drives on main page
(06-24-2020, 09:35 AM)sjt1970 Wrote: It would be very helpful to indicate on the main page whether all remote drives with music on them are connected. I often get the situation where a library fails to connect and it is a pain to have to go though to the config page to check this. An indication could be making the colour of the “library” menu heading green when all is OK and red when at least one remote drive is not connected.
Related to the above, if you refresh the library when one of the remote drives is not connected, all its music is lost from the library and you have to regenerate the library, which can take hours!

Try this which uses the LEDs to show mount status.  It works nicely for me.  I believe it is slated for inclusion in the next moOde update too.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Indication of connection status of remote drives on main page - by the_bertrum - 06-24-2020, 10:10 AM

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