06-29-2020, 02:54 PM
As interesting as I find this possibility of selective upsampling according to the original sample frequency, I am afraid that my experience says that bypassing the chip filters by upsampling to 384kz is the best option to my ears. Limited by the ravages of time and a misspent youth I am afraid but augmented by miracles of technology called hearing aids. (BTW - highly recommended for those of you of an age) Way back in this thread, Rongon mentions that it is possible to turn of the chip filters - great idea but have never seen it in config. With this, the selective re-sampling might present a great possibiulity but for now, bypassing ANY filter gives the best result for me.
ProtoDAC, Rpi4, TD146, Mayware, Ortophon Blue, Schitt M1, Pass B1,Ayima, Luxman, MarkAudio OB