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Upgrade from Pi3b+ / HifiBerry DAC+ to which DAC?
Sanskrit 10th MkII
(06-29-2020, 11:13 PM)hifinet Wrote:
(05-29-2020, 12:34 AM)Lttlwing16 Wrote: I believe the noisy USB hub that plaqued the RPI3B+ was resolved on the RPI4 by moving the ethernet port to a different bus. So, should be great, but I can't really comment as I don't have a RPI4. I love my topping d30, though, so I think you've got a winner in the DAC category!

Can anyone with experience upgrading from RPi3B+ to RPi4 please comment regarding an audible improvement in sound quality with a USB DAC. Thank you.

I have built many RPi3B/4 + DAC + headphone amp/power amp during my new products development. No, I did not experience this. I have designed my own RPi DAC. I also own BOSS and DIGIONE for evaluation and comparison with my design. My design is better due to the use of isolated analog ground plane and the ultralow noise, ultrahigh PSRR RF linear regulator LT3042. BOSS does not have isolated ground plane nor LT3042. In the other forum "sound quality" page 2, hifinet mentioned that the SMSL Sanskrit 10th MkII based on recommendations in the hardware forum - clearly better than the Boss. I looked at the picture of its PCBA in Amazon, I found the DC-DC converter on board (a black rectangular block) which possibly provides isolated analog ground.  Sanskrit 10th MkII uses AK4493 which requires OpAmp for post filtering. The OpAmp will affect the sound (audiophile calls this coloring) more than the reason that the delta-sigma DAC chips are different brands. Since BOSS uses PCM5122, it does not need output OpAmp because the DAC chip does not require OpAmp for post filtering. I ordered a Sanskrit 10th MkII from Amazon today.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Upgrade from Pi3b+ / HifiBerry DAC+ to which DAC? - by efung - 06-30-2020, 04:03 AM

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