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Pi4b -> Schiit Mimby via USB. Can I do better?
My issue is with the Modius and the new Unison USB. When I switched radio stations I got a disturbing transient signal that sounded like a buzz. It lasted until the Modius resolved any difference in sampling rates between the stations and was different in duration, intensity and frequency with each stream. As i said, moving to the SPDIF input fixed the issue. I reached out the the Schiit people and they were not able to offer any solution. They maintain that they adhere to the new UAC(2) standard. No fix on the Moode end seemed to offer any relief either.

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RE: Pi4b -> Schiit Mimby via USB. Can I do better? - by Geojanitor - 08-10-2020, 04:29 PM

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