(08-19-2020, 10:20 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote:All of my DACs are ancient and SPDIF only.....(08-19-2020, 09:50 PM)suzywong Wrote: I ask this purely for my own education. I noticed that on the MPD Config Screen, the "output device" choice is "Allo Revolution DAC". I thought that the ARD is an external box with its own USB input - if so, why is the MPD output device not simply "USB Device"? Is MoOde doing something "behind the scenes" that is specific to the Revolution ?
As I say, just curious.
USB devices can return identifier strings. If you have one, see what you get with a "sudo lsusb -v".
ATM one of my moOde players says "Khadas Tone Control" for the USB Khadas Tone Board that's attached. (Note how the firmware writer for the board and the designer of the board didn't agree on what to call it!)
So does moode change something in the way it operates in response to a particular identifier string?