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Manually resize Raspbian to 3gb partition prior to building Moode
Sure, just download Build Recipe 2.5 and skip to STEP 2 for reference purposes.

Here is a modified version of the procedure for doing just the 3GB partition resize.

1. Insert the SD Card into a Raspberry Pi and POWER UP.

cd ~
sudo unzip ./

2. Expand the root partition to 3GB.

sudo cp ./rel-stretch/www/command/ ./
sudo chmod 0755 ./
sudo sed -i "/PART_END=/c\PART_END=+3000M" ./
sudo ./ start
sudo rm ./
sudo rm -rf ./rel-stretch
sudo reboot

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Manually resize Raspbian to 3gb partition prior to building Moode - by Tim Curtis - 07-22-2018, 01:05 AM

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