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*HELP* Secure Moode Audio Player from other People
(10-18-2020, 07:48 AM)TookaFace Wrote: Hey,

To protect mpd server you could set mpd to listen only on localhost:

In /etc/mpd.conf
bind_to_address "localhost"

Instead of:
bind_to_address "any"

To make this permanent:
 moodeutl -q "UPDATE cfg_mpd SET VALUE = 'localhost' WHERE PARAM = 'bind_to_address'"

For webgui password protecting, check here:

Hey TookaFace,

thats for your help. That's not exactly what I'm looking for, but at least one possibility.
Unfortunately, with this setting I cannot control the mpd with an app myself.
Most MPD apps have the option of entering a password in the connection manager.

If there is currently no other option, I will implement your suggestion.

For webgui protection i have found this thread already but i think its outdated with the commands insinde. "ONLY FOR 6.4.1" & "The previous workaround is no longer working. In fact the workaround kill the player."

Thank you for your efforts

Messages In This Thread
RE: *HELP* Secure Moode Audio Player from other People - by PatiTati - 10-18-2020, 09:55 AM

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