11-15-2020, 12:41 PM
There's a driver in /boot/overlays which may work with your card: /boot/overlays/rpi-cirrus-wm5102.dtbo
What's needed in moOde is one more line in its sqlite3 database so this driver can be selected from the WebUI.
The database file is /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db
The DAC data table is cfg_audiodev
Here's the first two lines from the section of the /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db.sql file used to create this table and populate it:
I extrapolate from this you'll need to execute an sql command similar to
where '75' is just the available next I2S dac entry and I guessed the rest. YMMV.
Sorry, I have to run. Others can fill in how to do this insertion from the command line if you're not familiar with sqlite3.
There's a driver in /boot/overlays which may work with your card: /boot/overlays/rpi-cirrus-wm5102.dtbo
What's needed in moOde is one more line in its sqlite3 database so this driver can be selected from the WebUI.
The database file is /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db
The DAC data table is cfg_audiodev
Here's the first two lines from the section of the /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db.sql file used to create this table and populate it:
CREATE TABLE cfg_audiodev (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR (64), alt_name CHAR (64), dacchip CHAR (64), chipoptions CHAR (64), iface CHAR (32), list CHAR (10), driver CHAR (64), drvoptions CHAR (64));
INSERT INTO cfg_audiodev (id, name, alt_name, dacchip, chipoptions, iface, list, driver, drvoptions) VALUES (1, 'Allo Boss DAC', '', 'Burr Brown PCM5122', '100,0,FIR interpolation with de-emphasis', 'I2S', 'yes', 'allo-boss-dac-pcm512x-audio', 'slave');
I extrapolate from this you'll need to execute an sql command similar to
INSERT INTO cfg_audiodev (id, name, alt_name, dacchip, chipoptions, iface, list, driver, drvoptions) VALUES (75, 'Wolfson Cirrus WM5102', '', 'Cirrus Logic WM5102', '', 'I2S', 'yes', 'rpi-cirrus-wm5102', '');
where '75' is just the available next I2S dac entry and I guessed the rest. YMMV.
Sorry, I have to run. Others can fill in how to do this insertion from the command line if you're not familiar with sqlite3.