11-18-2020, 10:46 AM
(11-17-2020, 06:41 PM)Sniglar Wrote: @jonsom
I have upgraded to Moode 6.7.1 on the RPi 1B/Wolfson WM5102 but it needed an extra step in the Moode GUI to get sound output.
I followed the instructions from the driver website and after starting the appropriate scripts (e.g. ./Playback_to_Lineout.sh) and going through the "Optionally: use fixed card number" procedure, I had to go into the Moode GUI/M/Configure/Audio/Edit MPD Config and select RPi-Cirrus from the Audio Device/Audio Output drop down. The I2S Audio Device in Audio Config is still left as "None".
Thank you Sniglar for the update, up to now I have tried the approach suggested by Kent (TheOldPresbyope), updating the configuration database. It sort of worked, in that I could see the Cirrus card listed as an I2S option. On selecting that option the Moode Audio software did generate the appropriate dtoverlay addition to /boot/config.txt, but on re-start the system crashed out leaving it at a terminal interaction session (i.e. keyboard and HDMI of Pi).
Restoring the original configuration database enabled the system to complete start-up. Then leaving I2S at none (Cirrus no longer being present) found I could select it in → Configure → Audio → Edit MPD Config. After doing this and re-starting caused the system to bring up an error box, I think reporting an error generated by MPD related to ALSA something like “no such device”.
Looking at the 'audio_output' setting the Moode Audio system generates in the /etc/mpd.conf file I could see that it was not complete enough to enable MPD to work with the Cirrus card, at least with the latest Pi O/S and Linux kernel 5.4.72.
I did a bit of investigating and found that with Pi O/S and Linux kernel version 4.19.50, MPD appeared to work the Cirrus with most of the audio_output parameters left at default (as Moode Audio appears to do), but with 5.4.72 I had to provide values for ‘device’, ‘mixer_device’ and ‘mixer_control’.
I did notice that one of the fields for entries in the 'cfg_audiodev' database entries is ‘drvoptions’ and wondered whether that might be the method providing the facility to enable setting the additional 'audio_output' parameters (may investigate that next)
Out of interest the 'audio_output' setting in /etc/mpd.conf I found worked with MPD and latest Pi O/S + Linux kernel 5.4.72 was:
(-- are my local comments for information here and are not in the mpd.conf file)
audio_output {
type “alsa”
name “My ALSA Device” -- didn’t appear important
# mixer_type “hardware” # optional
device “hw:0,0” -- was 2,0 if Pi’s on board audio enabled
mixer_device “hw:0” – again 2 …
mixer_control “Speaker Digital” -- name found using alsamixer utility
# mixer_index “0” # optional
So a couple of things to try, I’ll have a go at configuring a 6.7.1 system as Sniglar suggested.
...then perhaps, just out of interest, look into potential use of ‘drvoptions’ configuration database fields...