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artwork image
(08-03-2018, 02:55 PM)bigbulb Wrote:
(08-02-2018, 07:57 AM)swizzle Wrote: If you have your collection organized you can place the album art (cover.jpg or whatever) in the folder with the album’s songs and moode will use that.

Hi swizzle, 

 Thanks for your reply. 
Yes I tried but still can't see the front cover image shown on my android phone. Will try to post this question in other forum which is XLD- related. I'll report back once I solved this. Thanks.


<nerd alert!>

A WAV file is an instance of a RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format) container file which does allow metadata. Lists of standard tag types are available, e.g., at Note that there is no RIFF tag type defined for cover artwork.

The problem is getting various music editors/taggers/players to use the available tag types in a common way.

Here is a link to a test file I created just now

It is a 13-second organ track I borrowed from It contained no metadata.  I added metadata using Mp3tag v2.88a (running in PlayOnLinux on my Linux Mint laptop) and setting ID3v2.3 as the tag specification.

My metadata entries as described by Mp3tag:

Title: Organ Finale
Artist: Koz
Album: Sound Tests & Clips
Year: 2010
Track: 1
Genre: Classical
Cover: <a jpg image of my cat looking annoyed at her paparazzi>

Here's a subset of what I found by dumping strings from the resulting file. I've added comments denoted by "<--" identifying interesting RIFF metadata tag types and my metadata entries mapped into them.

$ strings organfinale.wav
LIST   <-- LIST INFO chunk
INFO   <-- I added a <newline> here for readability
IPRD   <-- "Album" has been mapped to RIFF IPRD=product
Sound Tests & Clips
IART   <-- "Artist" has been mapped to RIF IART=artist;
Koz        I cheated here; Koz is too short to be output at default strings setting
ICMT*  <-- "Comment" has been mapped to RIFF ICMT=comment
IGNR   <-- "Genre" has been mapped to RIFF IGNR=genre
INAM   <-- "Title" has been mapped to RIFF INAM=name
Organ Finale
ITRK   <-- "Track" has been mapped to a common but non-standard RIFF tag type;
          "1" is too short a string to be output at default strings setting
ICRD   <-- "Year" has been mapped to RIFF ICRD=date created
ID3    <-- aha, Mp3tag has embedded standard ID3 tag types within the RIFF INFO LIST chunk
TALB   <-- "Album" has been mapped into ID3 TALB=album;
          "Sound Tests & Clips" is encoded in a way strings doesn't reveal
TPE1   <-- "Artist" has been mapped into ID3 TPE1=lead performer;
          "Koz" is encoded in a way strings doesn't reveal
COMM   <-- "Comment" has been mapped into ID3 COMM=comment
          "" is encoded in a way
          strings doesn't reveal
TCON   <-- "Genre" has been mapped into ID3 TCON=content type;
          "Classical" is encoded in a way strings doesn't reveal
TIT2   <-- "Title" has been mapped into ID3 TIT2=Title/Songname/...;
          "Organ Finale" is encoded in a way strings doesn't reveal
TRCK   <-- "Track" has been mapped into ID3 TRCK=track number;
          "1" won't be output in any case because it's shorter than default strings setting
TYER   <-- "Year" has been mapped into ID3 TYER=year
APIC   <-- my cover.jpg file has been embedded within RIFF metadata tagged as ID3 "APIC"
JFIF   <-- a JPEG File Interchange Format file, yada yada yada

The Swiss Army knife known as VLC displays all the text metadata and the cat image, but it's known for interpreting everything it can find. The utility mediainfo reports all the text metadata and also reports the presence, name, and jpg info about the cat image. Don't know whether these tools are reporting the values of the RIFF tag types or of the ID3 tag types.

My moOde r4.2 player displays only the text metadata. This is true also of the Media Player which came with Linux Mint.

My conjecture is that both the MPD WAV decoder plugin inside moOde and the Media Player know only how to deal with the standard RIFF metadata, for which there is no tag type defined for artwork, and not any ID3 metadata contained within it, which is how Mp3tag embedded my cover art. 

It would be interesting to look at files tagged by XTD and EAC to compare. I have no Mac at hand but if I get a mo I'll try running EAC in WINE or PlayOnLinux.


Messages In This Thread
artwork image - by bigbulb - 08-02-2018, 06:47 AM
RE: artwork image - by swizzle - 08-02-2018, 07:57 AM
RE: artwork image - by bigbulb - 08-03-2018, 02:55 PM
RE: artwork image - by TheOldPresbyope - 08-03-2018, 08:56 PM
RE: artwork image - by bigbulb - 08-04-2018, 05:32 AM
RE: artwork image - by TheOldPresbyope - 08-04-2018, 06:51 PM

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