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Problem: Failed to isolate default target
Yes, it is possible for mass storage to become corrupt if the OS is killed during a write operation. The software shutdown/poweroff/halt commands are intended to ensure it's done cleanly.

No, moOdeOS is not a read-only system. It would take some architectural changes to make it almost so. Even if it ran solely in-memory there would be times when it has to save to its storage medium otherwise a user couldn't save configuration settings, update the library, and such. 

As well, sometimes weird things happen when multiple pieces of equipment are interconnected and powered off or on "simultaneously."

I can think of ways of dealing with this but the simplest still seems to be to use one of the commercial or DIY solutions for shutting down an RPi. This could be coupled with a power sequencer for your audio stack.


Messages In This Thread
Failed to isolate default target - by Xetar - 12-08-2020, 05:04 PM
RE: Failed to isolate default target - by DRONE7 - 12-08-2020, 08:41 PM
RE: Failed to isolate default target - by Xetar - 12-10-2020, 01:45 PM
RE: Failed to isolate default target - by TheOldPresbyope - 12-10-2020, 04:14 PM

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