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Problem: Audiophonics ES9038Q2M + WEH001602A OLED w/Moode 6.7.1
I've just followed the latest instructions on using the following ExecStart and sadly its still not working. Do I have my PIN mappings correctly defined?

ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --network=host --privileged -v /var/log:/var/log:rw dhrone/pydpiper:latest python /app/ 

--driver winstar_weg 
--width   80 
--height  16 
--rs      26 
--e       24 
--d4      22 
--d5      18 
--d6      16 
--d7      13 
--timezone 'Europe/London' 
--temperature celcius 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Audiophonics ES9038Q2M + WEH001602A OLED w/Moode 6.7.1 - by ajmuir - 12-14-2020, 02:14 PM

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