(07-22-2020, 10:15 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Hi,
Post all bug reports for moOde 6.7.1 or moOde 6.7.0 -> 6.7.1 in-place update in this thread. Please paste log output, scripts, etc in code boxes for readability.
just made an update from 4.2 (running for > 2 yrs without any problems) to current 6.7.1. Configs:
1) Raspi 3B with HifiBerry DAC+ --> installed on an external SSD (128 GB Intenso USB 3) --> no probs at all, runs fine, great SQ
2) Raspi 3B with 7" official display connected via HDMI to Marantz AVR --> same install --> sound only via headphone jack, no sound via HDMI
This is what moodeutl -l says:
pi@moode-WZ:~ $ moodeutl -l
20201216 160739 worker: -- Start
20201216 160739 worker: Successfully daemonized
20201216 160740 worker: Integrity check (passed)
20201216 160740 worker: Session loaded
20201216 160740 worker: Debug logging (off)
20201216 160740 worker: Device raw: (0:Headphones|1:empty|2:empty|3:empty
20201216 160740 worker: Device i2s: (none)
20201216 160740 worker: Device mpd: (0:Pi Headphone jack)
20201216 160740 worker: Device ses: (0|Pi Headphone jack|Headphone|0%)
20201216 160740 worker: ALSA Headphone volume set to (0%)
20201216 160740 worker: -- System
20201216 160742 worker: Host (moode-WZ)
20201216 160742 worker: moOde (6.7.1 2020-07-22)
20201216 160742 worker: RaspiOS (10.4)
20201216 160742 worker: Kernel (5.4.51-v7+ #1325)
20201216 160742 worker: Platform (Pi-3B 1GB v1.2)
20201216 160742 worker: ARM arch (armv7l, 32-bit kernel)
20201216 160742 worker: MPD ver (0.21.24)
20201216 160742 worker: CPU gov (ondemand)
20201216 160742 worker: USB boot enabled
20201216 160743 worker: File system not expanded yet
20201216 160743 worker: HDMI port on
20201216 160743 worker: File check (OK)
20201216 160743 worker: -- Network
20201216 160743 worker: eth0 exists
20201216 160744 worker: IP addr (
20201216 160744 worker: Netmask (
20201216 160744 worker: Gateway (
20201216 160744 worker: Pri DNS (
20201216 160744 worker: Domain (fritz.box)
20201216 160744 worker: wlan0 does not exist
20201216 160744 worker: -- Audio
20201216 160745 worker: MPD conf updated
20201216 160745 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20201216 160745 worker: ALSA card number (0)
20201216 160745 worker: Audio output (Pi Headphone jack)
20201216 160746 worker: Audio formats (U8, S16_LE)
20201216 160746 worker: ALSA mixer name (Headphone)
20201216 160746 worker: MPD volume control (software)
20201216 160746 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20201216 160746 worker: Max ALSA volume (100%)
20201216 160746 worker: Reset renderer active flags
20201216 160746 worker: -- MPD
20201216 160746 worker: MPD started
20201216 160747 worker: MPD accepting connections
20201216 160747 worker: Configure MPD outputs
20201216 160747 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (on)
20201216 160747 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20201216 160747 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
20201216 160747 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20201216 160747 worker: MPD output 5 ALSA polarity inversion (off)
20201216 160747 worker: MPD output 6 ALSA bluetooth (off)
20201216 160747 worker: MPD output 7 HTTP stream (off)
20201216 160747 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20201216 160747 worker: -- Feature availability
20201216 160747 worker: Source select (available)
20201216 160747 worker: Source select (source: MPD)
20201216 160747 worker: Source select (output: Pi Headphone jack)
20201216 160748 worker: Bluetooth (available)
20201216 160748 worker: Airplay renderer (available)
20201216 160748 worker: Spotify renderer (available)
20201216 160748 worker: Squeezelite renderer (available)
20201216 160748 worker: UPnP renderer (available)
20201216 160748 worker: DLNA server (available)
20201216 160748 worker: UPnP browser (available)
20201216 160748 worker: Audio scrobbler (available)
20201216 160748 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20201216 160748 worker: -- Music sources
20201216 160748 worker: USB source (6523-21A2)
20201216 160748 worker: NAS and UPnP sources (none configured)
20201216 160748 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20201216 160748 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20201216 160748 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20201216 160748 worker: LED0 (On)
20201216 160748 worker: LED1 (On)
20201216 160748 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20201216 160748 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20201216 160748 worker: MPD volume level (80) restored
20201216 160748 worker: ALSA Headphone volume (100%)
20201216 160748 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20201216 160748 worker: LocalUI started
20201216 160748 worker: Maintenance interval (3 hrs)
20201216 160748 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20201216 160748 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20201216 160748 worker: Watchdog started
20201216 160748 worker: Ready
As far as I can see, nothing suspicious. Audio output should work via HDMI as it worked with 4.2 for years. Nevertheless: Output is only via headphone jack.
Tim: In a previous post I found the following statement from you:
Quote:If you are using HDMI audio out then unplug it because IIRC the Pi does not support simultaneous HDMI and 3.5mm RCA output.
In my case, HDMI does not work regardless RCA plugged and vice versa: RCA out always works. In the MPD config page ""Audio Output" I can only select "Pi Headphone Jack" - which I did due to lacking further options, e.g. "HDMI". Is this the problem?
For further info, this is my /boot/config.txt:
pi@moode-WZ:/boot $ cat config.txt
Any further ideas?
Thanks a lot in advance and kind greetz from Germany