It will export your settings in a file.
To import ur settings, copy the generated file here /boot/moodecfg.ini, then:
Or simply reboot.
moodeutl -e
It will export your settings in a file.
; #########################################
; Copy this file to /boot/moodecfg.ini
; It will be processed at startup and the
; system will automaticly Restart.
; All param = "value" pairs must be present.
; Set wlanssid = blank to start AP mode.
; Example: wlanssid = ""
; Moode Release : 7.0.0 2020-12-15
; Create date : 2020-12-18 12:02:40
; ##########################################
browsertitle = "moOde Player"
hostname = "moode"
btname = "Music Box"
airplayname = "Moode Airplay"
spotifyname = "Moode Spotify"
squeezelitename = "Moode"
upnpname = "Moode UPNP"
dlnaname = "Moode DLNA"
timezone = "America/Detroit"
keyboard = "us"
cpugov = "ondemand"
hdmiport = "1"
eth0chk = "1"
led_state = "1,1"
localui = "0"
p3wifi = "1"
p3bt = "1"
expandfs ="0"
[I2S Device]
i2sdevice = "Audiophonics ES9028/9038 DAC"
crossfeed = "Off"
invert_polarity = "0"
alsaequal = "Off"
eqfa12p = "Off"
mixer_type = "hardware"
device = "0"
audio_output_format = "disabled"
selective_resample_mode = "0"
sox_quality = "high"
sox_multithreading = "1"
sox_precision = "20"
sox_phase_response = "50"
sox_passband_end = "95"
sox_stopband_begin = "100"
sox_attenuation = "0"
sox_flags = "0"
btsvc = "1"
pairing_agent = "0"
rsmafterbt = "1"
airplaysvc = "0"
rsmafterapl = "No"
spotifysvc = "0"
rsmafterspot = "No"
slsvc = "0"
rsmaftersl = "No"
upnpsvc = "0"
dlnasvc = "0"
upnp_browser = "0"
[Network (wlan0)]
wlanssid = "None (activates AP mode)"
wlanpwd = ""
wlansec = "wpa"
wlancountry = "US"
[Network (apd0)]
apdssid = "Moode"
apdpwd = ""
apdchan = "6"
themename = "Default"
accent_color = "Emerald"
alphablend = "1.0"
adaptive = "No"
cover_backdrop = "No"
cover_blur = "20px"
cover_scale = "1.25"
font_size = "Normal"
playlist_art = "Yes"
extra_tags = "album,genre,track,disc,date,composer,conductor,performer,encoded"
playhist = "No"
library_instant_play = "Play"
library_albumview_sort = "Artist"
library_tagview_sort = "Artist"
library_recently_added = "2592000000"
library_encoded_at = "9"
library_covsearchpri = "Embedded cover"
library_hiresthm = "Auto"
library_thumbnail_columns = "6/2 (Default)"
[Library (Advanced)]
library_tagview_artist = "Artist"
library_misc_options = "No,Album@Artist (Default)"
library_ignore_articles = "a,an,the"
library_show_genres = "Yes"
library_tagview_covers = "Yes"
library_ellipsis_limited_text = "No"
library_utf8rep = "No"
first_use_help = "No"
eqp12_curve_name[0] = "Default curve"
eqp12_settings[0] = "0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0 20 1 0 0"
eqp12_active[0] = "No"
To import ur settings, copy the generated file here /boot/moodecfg.ini, then:
moodeutl -i
Or simply reboot.