(10-01-2020, 07:42 AM)TookaFace Wrote: Updated procedure for moOde 6.6 ==> moOde 7:All up and running with moOde 7.0.0, thanks again.
I've added a system menu in oled display, where you can reboot/shutdown the raspdacmini.
Code:sudo apt update
sudo apt-get -y install python-smbus libjpeg-dev lirc
You could have a problem during lirc install, it's normal.
Code:sudo -i pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
sudo -H pip install 'luma.core==1.13.0' 'luma.oled==3.4.0'
Add at the end of /boot/config.txt:
Download and install oled and lirc files:
Code:wget -O raspdacmini.tar "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=11W2kV4M55jKDbQk8qEkaiBZqKe6l0V_L"
tar xvf raspdacmini.tar
sudo chmod 755 oled/raspdac_oled_main.py
sudo chmod 644 oled/oled.service
sudo cp oled/oled.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable oled
sudo cp -r lirc/* /etc/lirc
sudo cp serial.py /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/luma/core/interface/serial.py
rm -r lirc
rm raspdacmini.tar
If you had problems during lirc install:
Code:sudo apt-get install -f
Then reboot:
Code:sudo reboot
Also, there is a bug with MPD and hardware volume, witch make setting volume inconcistent, it's not new, so if you didn't notice anything, don't bother to do that.
A workaround for this is to increase value for volume up and down for the telecomand (3 and 6 instead of 1 and 5) and enable UPNP volume sync feature:
line 102Code:nano -l oled/raspdac_oled_telecommand.py
Code:elif key == 'KEY_UP' : # Augmentation du volume
if speed == 'HIGH' :
cmd = "/var/www/vol.sh up 6"
cmd = "/var/www/vol.sh up 3"
elif key == 'KEY_DOWN' : # Réduction du volume
if speed == 'HIGH' :
cmd = "/var/www/vol.sh dn 6"
cmd = "/var/www/vol.sh dn 3"
In order to sync the volume display with oled and moOde, you have to use UPNP volume sync feature:
Code:moodeutl -A add 1024
![[Image: smile.png]](http://moodeaudio.org/forum/images/icons/smile.png)