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Official moOde 7.0.1 support thread

I did a fresh install of Moode 7.0.1 and I have only one (small) problem.
I can add a song/radio to the favorites playlist by clicking the heart icon, but when clicking the heart icon again the song/radio won't be removed from the favorites.
The heart icon turns green for 2 seconds after clicking it, but then it fades again and is empty. It would be great if a song/radio is in the favorites playlist, that the heart would remain green until the song is removed from the favorites.
Also when clicking on a song/radio in the favorites playlist it would be great, that there was an option "remove from favorites" in the hover menu, so you don't need to start a song/radio to be able to remove it from the favorites.

I found out that I can remove songs/radios from the favorites by editing the file, just in case someone else has this problem:
nano /var/lib/mpd/playlists/Favorites.m3u

Messages In This Thread
RE: Official moOde 7.0.1 support thread - by LowkeyFlex - 01-15-2021, 12:08 PM
RE: Official moOde 7.0.1 support thread - by efung - 02-04-2021, 12:06 AM
RE: Upcoming moOde 7.1.0 release - by JonPike - 02-06-2021, 10:05 PM

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