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Remarkable post on diyAudio 'bout audiophile DACs

Regarding USB DACs, I think others might be better sources of current info. I lean toward the Topping and SMSL offerings based on price and specs (audio science specs, that is) but...I have no personal experience with them either listening or trying to integrate them into my listening habits.

I’ve long since given up being a purist. Too much music still to hear and too little time left to waste any more of it than necessary to achieve a good-enough system. I hear my grandmother’s voice in my head: “ be happy with what you have.” As a kid, I thought she was being defeatist; as a grandfather I understand what she meant.


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RE: Remarkable post on diyAudio 'bout audiophile DACs - by TheOldPresbyope - 01-26-2021, 03:43 PM

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