Here is the output:
20210202 150724 worker: -- Start
20210202 150724 worker: Successfully daemonized
20210202 150725 worker: Integrity check (passed)
20210202 150725 worker: File check (OK)
20210202 150725 worker: Session loaded
20210202 150725 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20210202 150725 worker: -- Device
20210202 150725 worker: ALSA cards: (0:b1 | 1:Headphones | 2:empty | 3:empty
20210202 150725 worker: Configured: (1:Pi Headphone jack | mixer:(Headphone) | alsavol:0)
20210202 150726 worker: ALSA mixer actual (Headphone)
20210202 150726 worker: ALSA Headphone volume set to (0%)
20210202 150726 worker: -- System
20210202 150728 moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(playlist)
20210202 150728 worker: Host (moode)
20210202 150728 worker: moOde (7.0.1 2020-12-23)
20210202 150728 worker: RaspiOS (10.6)
20210202 150728 worker: Kernel (5.4.77-v7l+ #1371)
20210202 150728 worker: Platform (Pi-4B 2GB v1.1)
20210202 150728 worker: ARM arch (armv7l, 32-bit kernel)
20210202 150728 worker: MPD ver (0.22.3_p0x3)
20210202 150728 worker: CPU gov (ondemand)
20210202 150728 worker: USB boot not available
20210202 150729 worker: File system expanded
20210202 150729 worker: HDMI port off
20210202 150729 worker: -- Network
20210202 150729 worker: eth0 exists
20210202 150729 worker: eth0 address not assigned
20210202 150729 worker: wlan0 exists
20210202 150729 worker: wifi country (IT)
20210202 150729 worker: wlan0 trying SSID (TIM-18451895)
20210202 150729 worker: IP addr (
20210202 150729 worker: Netmask (
20210202 150729 worker: Gateway (
20210202 150729 worker: Pri DNS (
20210202 150729 worker: Domain (
20210202 150729 worker: -- Audio
20210202 150729 worker: MPD conf updated
20210202 150730 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20210202 150730 worker: ALSA card number (1)
20210202 150730 worker: Audio output (Pi Headphone jack)
20210202 150730 worker: Audio formats (U8, S16_LE)
20210202 150730 worker: ALSA mixer name (Headphone)
20210202 150730 worker: MPD volume control (software)
20210202 150730 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20210202 150730 worker: Max ALSA volume (100%)
20210202 150730 worker: Reset renderer active flags
20210202 150730 worker: -- MPD
20210202 150730 worker: MPD started
20210202 150731 worker: MPD accepting connections
20210202 150731 worker: Configure MPD outputs
20210202 150731 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (on)
20210202 150731 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20210202 150731 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
20210202 150731 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20210202 150731 worker: MPD output 5 ALSA polarity inversion (off)
20210202 150731 worker: MPD output 6 ALSA bluetooth (off)
20210202 150731 worker: MPD output 7 HTTP stream (off)
20210202 150731 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20210202 150731 worker: -- Feature availability
20210202 150731 worker: Source select (available)
20210202 150731 worker: Source select (source: MPD)
20210202 150731 worker: Source select (output: Pi Headphone jack)
20210202 150731 worker: Bluetooth (available)
20210202 150731 worker: Airplay renderer (available)
20210202 150731 worker: Airplay renderer (started)
20210202 150731 worker: Spotify renderer (available)
20210202 150731 worker: Squeezelite renderer (available)
20210202 150731 worker: UPnP renderer (available)
20210202 150731 worker: UPnP renderer (started)
20210202 150731 worker: DLNA server (available)
20210202 150731 worker: UPnP browser (available)
20210202 150731 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20210202 150731 worker: Stream recorder (n/a)
20210202 150731 worker: -- Music sources
20210202 150731 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20210202 150732 worker: NAS and UPnP sources (mountall initiated)
20210202 150732 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20210202 150732 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20210202 150732 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20210202 150732 worker: LED0 (On)
20210202 150732 worker: LED1 (On)
20210202 150732 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20210202 150732 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20210202 150732 worker: MPD volume level (41) restored
20210202 150732 worker: ALSA Headphone volume (100%)
20210202 150732 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20210202 150732 worker: Maintenance interval (3 hrs)
20210202 150732 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20210202 150732 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20210202 150732 worker: Watchdog started
20210202 150732 worker: Ready