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MoOde 5.1 wont start the second day
(04-26-2019, 05:02 PM)Tenbagger Wrote: Hi all,

I'm a recent convert (since 4.4, twice donor so far). I updated from 5.0 to 5.1 the other day; seemingly with success. But the very next day, RPi3B+ would not play music, there was no web interface, and the USB drive did not mount during boot. 

I reinstalled everything to (apparently) working order yesterday. But this morning; same problem (mpd, nginx, mount). 

Most likely, this has to do with extra configurations I've performed: a) Installed Netatalk filesharing for when iTunes updates my music library. b) Moved and replaced most library files with links to USB disk, to maintain only one library usable for two RPi3B+s with different sound hats. c) Forwarding IP in Access Port mode, to control moOde and access internet at the same time from mobile clients. d) Setup album art link for Soundirok client app in /var/www. (All works in 5.0) 

In particular, I have two questions, but all comments are welcome:

1) Is there no longer a script that runs after boot?
2) Is there a new script that runs every day, that perhaps invalidates my configurations?

Just for reference, in case future generations find this topic buried in sand... a good way to diagnose problems in your boot (e.g., usually when the /etc/rc.local file doesn't start or complete run, is to edit it and put
exec > /home/pi/rc-local.out 2>&1;set -x
at the top (I mean, before anything else in your file executes). Then reboot the Pi.

After it's rebooted, open a terminal console and check the /home/pi/rc-local.out file (e.g., nano /home/pi/rc-local.out) and it will certainly point to the cause, either by printing out a verbose error description or just letting you know what was the last thing it tried to run before getting stuck. And you can comment that out with a '#' and save. Helped me more times than I can count. Btw I'm still runnin' on 4.2 and proud.  Cool

Quote:What you allow is what will continue.


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RE: MoOde 5.1 wont start the second day - by wmoecke - 02-09-2021, 12:42 PM

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