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Remarkable post on diyAudio 'bout audiophile DACs
Hi there,

i don't share that dudes conclusions at all:

Quote:He reviews the iFi USB filter. That one reduces noise by let say around 30dB - confirmed by his measurements.
Then he measures his high quality DAC with the iFi in and out and finds no impact.
He concludes the iFi filter is useless. You see the flaw in his logic?

Now i would conclude that the noise on the USB connection didn't make a difference, because the signal itself is of digital nature. Analog noise (well, within limits of course) is meaningless at that point of the chain.
This however is correct, DACs have become incredibly good. I have a Topping E30 (120€) and it's objectively better than the one in my Yamaha CD-S1000 (2000€).

Messages In This Thread
RE: Remarkable post on diyAudio 'bout audiophile DACs - by TheBatsEar - 03-07-2021, 09:53 AM

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